Influence and Absorption:

I’ve met plenty of people who have said they find me somewhat inspiring and motivating. Many have mentioned that I tend to see the world in a positive manner. While this may be true, no one knows about the years I spent listening to motivational and self-help gurus. These were the days before I engaged more deeply with the works of religious scholars, when I was striving to become successful and make more money.

They say you become what you eat; I’m sure you have heard this saying before. I think we can take this even deeper. You are like a mirror; whatever you internalise and absorb, you will reflect to the world. I have essentially become a product of what I have consumed. Everything I am today is a result of the teachers and educators of my past.

The Power of Repetition:

There is this short audiobook that I have listened to probably over 100 times. The ideas presented in the book – or should I say the logical arguments for what he says is true – I have internalised and accepted to the point that it has become who I am.

When I want to change people’s way of thinking about things, I use examples and arguments. It’s like the question: is it better to learn from your own mistakes, or the mistakes of others? The correct answer is that it is better to learn from the mistakes of others, but it is difficult, as emotions can override logic.

Perspective on Learning:

Life is such that you see the world based on what you have studied. We all see the world based on the educational framework we adopt. You only start to see the world in a more balanced way when you study multiple subjects. Some of the most renowned scholars were students of many disciplines.

I think as you read and learn from these people, your reality will start to change. Try it out for a week or two, and you’ll notice a big shift in your thinking. If you do it for a year or two, it is likely you’ll become like the people you are learning from. Though I don’t listen to motivational speakers as much nowadays, I am grateful for the days that I did because it has shaped me into the person I am today.


If you aspire to become someone or achieve something, seek out those who have already accomplished it and learn from them. By internalizing their wisdom and experiences, you can create your own success. The blueprint for success is already available; you just have to find it and make it your own.

Mahabur Rahman

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