How can you be free? This is a question that has been asked since old folks got together and wanted to know the meaning of life, like where we came from and where we are going.
People usually feel pressure to conform to societal expectations. They tend to live according to other people’s ideas of them. This is one of the reasons everyone is like everyone else. Go outside and look around; Tom, Josh, and all his buddies are the same as each other.
There is nothing worse in the world than just being a ‘YES man.’ If one wants to lead and lead effectively in all aspects of life, they have to learn to be a ‘NO man.’
A Life Changing Challenge
I would challenge you as I challenged myself. For the next three to six months, step away from all social media platforms. If you decide to do that, do not tell anyone about it and see if people you know notice that you’ve left. See who calls or texts you.
Most people are in their own bubble of being engaged by the platforms, chasing likes, and checking instinctively when bored. They are in a game and they don’t even realize it, but how would they? When millions are being paid to behavioral psychologists to hack and manipulate you. Have you ever watched ‘The Great Hack’ or ‘The Social Dilemma’ on Netflix?
Awakening To Reality
You will come to understand that you are not as special as you thought you were. This realisation may even produce some level of sadness and loneliness. But again, this is not your fault. These platforms have been trying to fill the void and emptiness that we all experience. They have been trying to play God.
If you decide to accept my challenge, you will awaken to the reality that a lot of what you do online is in relation to others. You are unconsciously always seeking validation and approval from your peers. Stepping away will be the most difficult thing you will encounter, but if you are successful, I promise you, you will become a different person. You will become more you.